Some links to preview Be Different, in print and audio
This is a link to Scribd, where you can read the intro to Be Different just as it appears in the printed book.
If you'd like to hear me read the intro, with pictorial accompaniment, look here
I'm both incredibly excited and incredibly anxious . . . Be Different goes on sale in seven more days!
I'll be speaking in Atlanta on opening day, at the Georgia Autism Society of America conference. The following day, I'm speaking to the Connecticut Special Education folks in Hartford. You can get tickets to that here. On Thursday I'll be addressing the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC.
After that I've got several months of travel in both the US and Canada. I'm looking forward to meeting more of my online friends in person this tour.
See you on the road!
jean d'agostino, rhode island
wishing you success, and above all, happiness.
Please, Sir, if you send us a link, let it be a link only to an old-fashioned plain-text site!
With no adware, or anything like that, please.
Sometimes I think I want to talk to your Alabama relations, and have them look you up, and do an intervention on you.
Having read your book, I know that you are not really a Masshole at heart, and need to get back to yer Southern roots.
Could I prepare you you some cornbread in a cast-iron skillet, and crumble that up into a glass of buttermilk and hand that to you? Would that remind you where you came from?
I am willing to do that, Sir. I tellya I am willing to do anything I can!
Anyway, when you're out of synch with the world it's nice to find someone else out of synch in a similar way so you like almost sometimes can connect, right?
Can I have an LOL here?
No, I suppose it's not always funny. At some point even nutty people have to say: hey, I'm a people and here's the figures to back me up. So stop laughing. At least until you see me start to laugh back. Then maybe we're okay.