Come see me in Boston Monday, and some thoughts for a Thursday night
I have two thoughts to offer you tonight . . . .
My first point this evening is one those of you who’ve heard me speak already know. I believe Aspergian’s are responsible for creating many of the technological marvels that make today’s life comfortable and indeed even possible. And of course it’s not just me who thinks that; Tony Attwood and many other professionals feel the same way.
Bill Gates is frequently described as Aspergian, as is Isaac Newton and many other prominent scientists and inventors (Attwood et al.)
My own book would not have existed if not for Asperger’s. If I’d been normal, there would have been no story. I’d have been singing in the church choir instead of hammering out electric rock’n’roll with KISS. And who would want to read about that?
OK, having established Aspergian creativity . . .
My second point is that technology drives style. For example, “pretty girl” is defined by today’s fashion magazines. “Stylish car” is what’s in the latest ads. The “hot new gadget” is most always a technological marvel, like the iPhone.
In every case, technology is what makes the new style possible. Even the new fashions . . . they rely on state of the art fabrics, laser cutters, and sophisticated machines. Cars depend 100% on robotics and computer controlled production equipment to make things humans alone could only dream of.
Technology even underlies things you'd think are totally natural . . . Pretty girls . . . today’s “pretty girl” is tall, and tall people are another result of technology. The food engineering that raised farming efficiency made taller people a reality, and society defines the result as pretty.
Examples of technology driving style are everywhere, though they are not always obvious.
So, putting those two points together, what do you get?
Aspergians drive (indirectly) style and fashion.
Ironic, isn’t it? The idea that a bunch of Aspergian geeks who don’t know style from a hole in the wall (or so the neurotypicals say) actually create the underlying technologies that make the “pretty things” in today’s world.
Kind of an interesting circle.
And there’s more . . . .
Monday, January 7, I will be appearing with Doug Flutie and company at the Flutie Bowl for autism, at Lucky Strike Lanes, 145 Ipswich St., in Boston, MA 02215. I’ll be there from 6PM – 11PM. I am donating some signed first editions of my book, and I’d love to meet any of you who stop by.
This event is a $150/person fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Flutie Foundation.
I’ll be there with the folks from Elms College. As you know (at least I hope you know) I am working with them on a graduate program in autism and Asperger’s.
And now, in closing, I'll leave you with some shots from tonight's Umass-Houston basketball game, which Umass won in the last minute of play. For you camera buffs, these are handheld images from my new Nikon D3 with natural lighting.

My first point this evening is one those of you who’ve heard me speak already know. I believe Aspergian’s are responsible for creating many of the technological marvels that make today’s life comfortable and indeed even possible. And of course it’s not just me who thinks that; Tony Attwood and many other professionals feel the same way.
Bill Gates is frequently described as Aspergian, as is Isaac Newton and many other prominent scientists and inventors (Attwood et al.)
My own book would not have existed if not for Asperger’s. If I’d been normal, there would have been no story. I’d have been singing in the church choir instead of hammering out electric rock’n’roll with KISS. And who would want to read about that?
OK, having established Aspergian creativity . . .
My second point is that technology drives style. For example, “pretty girl” is defined by today’s fashion magazines. “Stylish car” is what’s in the latest ads. The “hot new gadget” is most always a technological marvel, like the iPhone.
In every case, technology is what makes the new style possible. Even the new fashions . . . they rely on state of the art fabrics, laser cutters, and sophisticated machines. Cars depend 100% on robotics and computer controlled production equipment to make things humans alone could only dream of.
Technology even underlies things you'd think are totally natural . . . Pretty girls . . . today’s “pretty girl” is tall, and tall people are another result of technology. The food engineering that raised farming efficiency made taller people a reality, and society defines the result as pretty.
Examples of technology driving style are everywhere, though they are not always obvious.
So, putting those two points together, what do you get?
Aspergians drive (indirectly) style and fashion.
Ironic, isn’t it? The idea that a bunch of Aspergian geeks who don’t know style from a hole in the wall (or so the neurotypicals say) actually create the underlying technologies that make the “pretty things” in today’s world.
Kind of an interesting circle.
And there’s more . . . .
Monday, January 7, I will be appearing with Doug Flutie and company at the Flutie Bowl for autism, at Lucky Strike Lanes, 145 Ipswich St., in Boston, MA 02215. I’ll be there from 6PM – 11PM. I am donating some signed first editions of my book, and I’d love to meet any of you who stop by.
This event is a $150/person fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Flutie Foundation.
I’ll be there with the folks from Elms College. As you know (at least I hope you know) I am working with them on a graduate program in autism and Asperger’s.
And now, in closing, I'll leave you with some shots from tonight's Umass-Houston basketball game, which Umass won in the last minute of play. For you camera buffs, these are handheld images from my new Nikon D3 with natural lighting.

I hope to be there in Boston at the Flutie event and look forward to seeing others of your blogger community there. this is like an evite kind of thing. I hope more will respond positively there and help support these autism functions and fund raisers with you. You are great to take time from your many "jobs" to participate in these projects.
Your comments on geeks, aspergians, and fashion certainly are mind opening. I suppose you know that impressionistic art came into being about the same time as photography. The yin and yang of technology and what is considered beautiful is not a new thought, prospect, or reality.
They lubricate the economy, which pays the salary of the Aspergian-creative.
Circle, indeed. WOOF.
Also, nice how you've connected Aspergian brilliance and flair to fashion and style. Made me smile, and it too makes sense!
How is that good? Our creativity is good. My post illustrates how others may harness that creativity. Whether that's good is subjective, I suppose.
The existance of one does not obviate the other
Standing up for our rights, like blacks and gays, is rather another issue, which I know you disagree with.
Think Aspergian engineers
They just attract less attention because many, if not most, are undiagnosed and going about their lives.
When an outsider looks at autism/Asperger's the most visible representatives are generally the most impaired.
However, there are many very functional people on the spectrum. Most of them don't seek any recognition or assistance.
I agree that their problems and issues may be very different from the more impaired folks.
I know some people can't do what I do, but there's also plenty I myself can't do, and we are all better for trying.
And we do all write what we know. You, being different, certainly write from your own persoective.
Attitude is everything! As John says, there are countless people in society that have Asperger's and are less noticeable than other autistic people. The key is education, understanding, and acceptance. If you can learn to see the unique strengths and many gifts that Asperger's brings then perhaps you will start to see it as a blessing instead of a curse. Having known John for several years now, I have seen a transformation from a very awkward misfit to a confident and savvy speaker. He does make it look easy; and I too am envious. But, Samwick the real difference has been that he has had a paradigm shift and an attitude change. He now truly sees his diagnosis as a blessing...
And fascinating post, John. I think it shows how we're all living in the Age of Aspergians.
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
-Winston Churchill
And I have been reading your posts for months and have always thought they were funny, intelligent and well-written. Including the most recent. Do you not consider yourself blessed to have these gifts?
I sent a message to your bookers...I'd like to bring you to BC Canada, to do an info session on Aspergers (I have it) and expose people to the benefits of Aspergers.
Will your people get back to me?
What a thrill meeting Doug Flutie! He played for our Argos for a few years. Have you bowled much?
As to the seats . . . the accredited photographers sit on the floor of the court, right behind the foul lines at the baskets.
Great post. My little guy is not quite 7 years old and just recently diagnosed Asperger's. He is soon to be tested for a "twice gifted" program in the school district. From what I've read, it sure seems most Aspergians are extremely intelligent and creative, as your book and blog posts support. Dylan loves to tell stories and doesn't miss anything said even if he appears to be engrossed in something else. However, he also struggles in some of the aspects of school. Of course its still too early to tell if Dylan will be like you or other highly intelligent Aspergians since my son is still pretty young and I'm still gathering information and trying to help Dylan fit in and develop (whatever that winds up looking like for him). Sorry for the rambling post.
And go UMass!
Thanks, Jim B
I do not personally respond to every comment, but any other reader may comment on any post at any time. In many cases, the commenters talk to each other.
So feel free to leave comments on older entries, not just the newest stuff. You never know who will read them, or when.
It's just simply a logical fallacy -- to think that because John Elder is AS that all AS are John Elder. We need to simply assume that and take his story as just that -- his story.
To take John Elder as a poster-boy, or worse an expert, or even typical AS would be as accurate as assuming that all blondes are as rich and as dumb as Paris.
Statistically of course, his specific experience means very little to the AS pool at large -- dumb luck probably has as as much to do with outcome as autism in this case.
Hubris aside though, this is an interesting and entertaining personal story.
I found it interesting that the book is nearly devoid of any sort of emotional landscape or relationships. I'm unclear if this is a result of AS, a symptom, a result of upbringing or whatever, or simply a quirk of the simple writing many filters, but 'knowing' the AS element made this all the more salient as I read.
I do think the recent publicity and the various points-of-view on autism are positive, and hope that appropriate resources are directed towards people exhibiting this condition.
However I hope we do not begin to expect our struggling young to become Bill Gates or Rock-Stars -- they might, but they probably won't. Just like the rest of us...We need to learn to love and accept them (and ourselves), just as they are...
Kim, BC class of '85.
Kim and I want to make SURE that you bring your new camera on Monday. We want some good close up shots of Doug, (some rear view shots would be good too!) We are hoping that you will post them on the blog. *sigh
Me vulgar? You are in no position to be casting stones after your "dribbling" comment.
Besides, if it wasn't a Monday night, I'd be there in person and pinch him for you...Hah!
There will always be a conversation about functionality as there will always be conversations about what our educational system is responsible is a never ending dialogue- ultimately what we take away from your book is one aspect of Aspergers...Temple Grandin is another aspect etc.
It's confronting the same kind of mentality in our society that tells us "all those with mental challenges are the same" - A continuum is a good way to look at it.
And Muse? You are naughty. I like you.
And I always like eating at the Legal Seafoods out there.
Reading your comments, I can see that it's a real shame I am not gay or into football, because it seems like the best of this event is totally lost on me.
Well, my feeling about identifying anyone as anything is that you can't unless they've done it themselves and are public about it.
So while I've often heard that Bill Gates had poor social skills, that he exhibited traits of Asperger's, I think it's up to him whether or not he chooses to identify himself as such.
As for Sir Isaac Newton --well, he's dead. Kind of too late for that.
Of course some (one in particular actually) of the people Fitzgeral mentioned in the book may make some Aspergians howl.
My husband wrote a guest post for my blog on Dec. 9 about the math genius Archimedes that you might enjoy. Just click on the J for my profile to find my blog if interested.