The road goes ever on

Some of you asked for more pictures from the road. Why? I don't know, but here they are . . .

I left the Dams of Potsdam behind to start my journey home. I hoped to make the whole trip in daylight but I was defeated by navigational error. I actually started off on the wrong foot, taking the wrong road out of town. Luckily, I only went 22 miles on the wrong road. It's desolate enough up there that a person could go a lot farther than that with ease. I got turned around and headed for Lake Placid. As I climbed the weather went from cold to cold and snowy. I was glad to be running the road in daylight, though that did not help my direction finding. I made yet another error and ran a ways toward Plattsburg before swinging back to my course at Sarnac Lake.

Driving got a bit dicey as the road was went in spots and dry in others. So you'd roll into a corner and hope for the best. Driving this road in daylight it's easy to see how motorists just vanish. In this picture you can see they've lost so many vehicles into the lake that they have placed concrete barriers where the shredded guard rail used to be.

The road in this spot does not twist too much but the up and down parts will put you right into the air if you get some speed behind you. I suspect that's how the cars before me made the transition from road to lake. After a fast run I stopped at the world famous Tail O The Pup for some traditional bar-b-q. Fortified, I set out again.

This picture really gives a good sense of the mountains up there.

There were other spots where the road straightened, and you could run fast for ten or fifteen miles without seeing anything but woods. Not a car, or a house, or even a telephone pole. Nothing but empty road. The woods up there grows fast. They say hunters still stumble on undiscovered crashes from the fifties and sixties, and I can believe it.

I was glad to make it home. An old Mercedes, a camera, nine hundred miles, a thousand college students, and three days.
It's a lot of stuff to pack into a half-week.


ScottCrawley said…
As always John, thank you for sharing your God given Talents with the world :)
Stacey said…
You wondered why people asked to see your photos, it is so people like me can take a virtual trip through the moutains. I loved it. Thank you.
Eric said…
I never get tired of your photos or your blogs John; whenever I get homesick for the North, your stories always give me a lift. One question, you had mentioned filling the gas tanks of the car before leaving, which made me think that you were driving the Jag. But the latest pics look like the front of the Mercedes. Which one did you drive? Either car is wonderful, but I'm an incorrigible car nut, and I have to settle my mind lol. Thanks again for the posts, woof!
Great photos John!

If you want to see some puppies (tails included)stop on over. We are in the middle of the people training phase of Riley's service dog.
love your pics - and love the article you wrote on Psychology today
_I posted it on my Facebook page
Anonymous said…
I like living vicariously through you John. It's like a John Elder Robison cyber trip. :) The pics are your movie and the text is the voice-over. You could easily make little 3 minute movies. The Adventures of John Elder. And we could all plug in and live out a trip in a few minutes while never leaving the comfort of our desk chairs. :D :D I bet your camera can take little HD video clips. You could even put some original music on there behind your VO. :)