Help me make a list of Autism/Asperger resources

My next book, Be Different, goes on sale March 29 of 2011. I'm on the home stretch with editing right now. One part remains undone . . . the Reading and Resources chapter. And that's where I turn to all of you for help.

What are some autism books that made a difference in your life? How about non autism books that are relevant, for example, books on body language or social skill?

Do you know any schools that do a great job with our kids? How about college programs?

How about programs for teachers; graduate training or continuing ed?

What about individual speakers, doctors, therapists or psychologists who made a difference?

And what about local Asperger or autism societies or organizations?

As always, thanks so much for your help.



John, my son is 10 and has been diagnosed with Asperger's...our go to boooks included 'Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?' by Jude Welton, and The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome. In fact, our son has used the book by Jude Welton to create a ppowerpoint presentation that he did for his classmates and teachers in his new school.
Jenny said…
Hi John! The first book I ever read when we thought that our son may have Aspergers was your book...even my hubby who loathes reading found it very enjoyable to thanks! I know that you mention different resources available in the states, but for your Canadian fans and parents of autistic children here in Alberta, the thing that our family considers to be the most crutial part of changing our thinking and learning to understand and appreciate our son (flaws included;) was the Transdisciplinary Assessment Clinic (TAC for short) in Red Deer, Alberta. It serves all of Central Alberta and is a 6 wk program. A variety of professionals (ie. PT, OT, SLP, special needs teacher, child psychologist, child behavioral specialist, and they even have one of Alberta's top rate Autism Doctor come and observe the children. It is the most amazing program!!!! It literally changed our lives...please include this program somewhere...if one family can benefit like we did then I would be so grateful to have shared this info...and anyone is welcome to email me if they are from Alberta and want to know more!!
also good reads: Born on a Blue Day (daniel trammet?), the complete guide to asperger's syndrome (tony attwood)
Unknown said…
Resources I recommend:
Brian R. King, LCSW
Works exclusively with children, adults and families of autism spectrum individuals and/or ADHD. Also does presentations and IEP assistance. He has Asperger's and ADHD himself, and is solution focused.

Chicago Autism Spectrum Adult (and teen) Network
This is a network of several support and social groups for adults with Asperger's and similar HFA/AS/PDD issues. The groups span across the greater Chicago metropolitan area, and are run by various individuals, many of which are on the spectrum themselves. A couple of the groups are more focused on teens and young adults. Social activities, get-togethers and regional autism conferences are also arranged periodically.
Stimey said…
As for speakers, Jonathan Mooney. His views and ideas on neurodiversity and what "normal" is, are incredibly powerful.

If you include websites, The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism is a wonderful resource of many different voices. They will be publishing a book as well.
Landon Bryce said…
John Elder:

I put together a list of resources that I have found most helpful here:

Really looking forward to the new book---

Landon Bryce
Thanks Jean for mentioning The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. Our ever-growing Resource page is here:

I had to laugh, in realizing we hadn't yet listed Look Me in the Eye. Will correct immediately.

If I was to hand a person a single book about autism (other than our forthcoming book, and yours, ahem), it would be Paul Collins' historical/personal autism narrative Not Even Wrong.
Anonymous said…
I absolutely loved The Sensory Sensitive Child by Karen A. Smith and Karen R. Gouze. This is the book that changed my entire perspective, helped me see the world through my son's eyes and literally became the one book I hand to every classroom teacher who comes in contact with him.
Kim Wilkens said…
I'm a teacher who has both personal and professional experience with AS. I have collected resources that have been helpful to us as a family and to me as a teacher @
vicky said…
'Songs of the Gorilla Nation' allowed me to learn that I had AS. And your book taught me so much more about myself.
psychobabbler said…
Hi, John. I hope this book will be a resource for neurotypical persons trying to understand Asperger's Syndrome persons. "Wait, What Do You Mean?" Asperger's Tell and Show was released Sept. 2010; it features more than 100 quotes by AS adults. Samples may be seen at,,,, scribd and more.
nweglowski said… - Asperger Association of New England.
Mindy said…
As an adult woman with Asperger's, I really liked "Alone Together" by Katrin Bentley. I also like my blog,, where I mingle daily life with my struggles and joys of having Asperger's.
Stephanie said…
In terms of individuals: Shana Nichols (psychologist), Tony Attwood, Michelle Garcia Winner, and Sean Swindler (community resource person in KS). The Autism Women's Network radio show has also made a difference in my life, as listening to an interview with Tony Attwood clued me in to the possibility of being Aspie myself. Books I recommend include Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum, Aspergirls, Pretending to Be Normal, and Socially Curious Curiously Social.
Nancy Peske said…
For the sensory piece, there's my own book: Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Lindsey Biel OTR/L and Nancy Peske, with a foreword by Temple Grandin. There is a chapter on autism and many practical tips for adults and teenagers, not just children.

I also found When the Brain Can't Hear by Terri Bellis incredibly helpful for understanding auditory processing disorders (plural--which is what makes it confusing).

Here are some more book ideas based on years of talking to parents (which is why it's weighted to parenting books):
Janet Ha said…
I am part of a team who work with high functioning students on the Autism Spectrum in a large public high school. We hand your book to students regularly, but also recommend:
Grandin, Temple and Barron, Sean, Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding social mysteries through the unique perspectives of autism

Greene, Ross W. The Explosive Child and Lost at School

For speakers we have seen and recommend:
Dr. Fred Volkmar, Yale Child Study Center
Dr. Michael McManmon, The Berkshire Center
Michelle Garcia-Winner
Lisa King
Dr. Nancy Perry
Peter Gerhardt
Kari Dunn-Burton
Not sure this link will work in the comment form, but it is a resource list put together by our district autism specialists:
Anonymous said…
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PartlyRobot said…
I found Roy Richard Grinker's book "Unstrange Minds" to have a fascinating balance of personal and sociological perspective on autism and how it is, and has been, dealt with in different cultures.
Anonymous said…
One thing it would be great to include would be a list of the relevant "Disability Rights" pro-bono legal networks, Mental Health Associations, and municipal Behavioral Health Care Services of various regions and counties. Those can be very helpful in getting the basics down like SSI/SSDI, Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps and other assistance, supportive housing, in-home care and respite care as needed, representative payee services as needed, supported and transitional employment, peer support, and other social/educational services as needed. (Some local examples include the Alameda County Public Health Department's resource list for developmental disabilities - California Developmental Services, and the Department of Rehabilitation, at

Then there are the basics, of course:
Anonymous said…
There's also "Through the eyes of aliens: a book about autistic people"
by Jasmine Lee O'Neill, and the movie, "Mozart and the Whale." Helpful.
Brad Reid said…
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Brad Reid said…
Not a book with any kind of Autism or Asperger's angle, but a simple manual on how to handle people, namely How to Make Friends and Influence People. This book details the principles that all high-functioning social people follow, either instinctively or deliberately. In some ways its a little sad, because one thing you learn is that people generally aren't into knowing anything you, but at least with these principles you can learn to get along. It makes a good survival guide for dealing with the general population.
Robert M. said…
"Emotional Intelligence" and "Social Intelligence" by Daniel Goldman are very important books for learning how one's expected to act in society.

"Ultramind Solution" by Mark Hyman is a book on neurology and diet that every autistic spectrum individual should read.
m said…
the films of french director tati should be recommended. he's a strangeling. the phone book is a thorough overview of People, highly recommended, very thorough.

textbooks describing clock parts and mechanics: yes.

owl photos: useful.

and so on.
Gillian said…
My biggest issue has been getting help working on all those executive function skills. For years I have been wandering blindly and told by our public school that this is impossible to teach. I just picked up a new book called "Smart but Scattered" by Peg Dawson & Richard Guare. We are already putting some of the advice to use in the classroom and at home. I believe it was originally written for gifted and ADD kids but it was applicable to our situation. Most helpful thing I have read in years!
Anonymous said…
You might consider addressing behavioral therapy for children with an Autism diagnosis. Both my boys have aspergers, and the 4 year old is receiving behavioral therapy which has done wonders for not only his social skills, but self help skills as well. It has made a huge difference in the family dynamic being able to function as a until, rather than 4 separate individuals with sensory issues.
Double M said…
Here's a list of books that my friend has had on her wish list for sometime. (Though, your book really gave my husband the deepest kind of insight that is finally helping him move forward.)

The following books are aimed at kids, but I bet they can be adapted for grown adults to great effect!

Creative Expressive Activities And Asperger's Syndrome: Social And Emotional Skills And Positive Life Goals for Adolescents And Young Adults -Judith Martinovich

Acting: for Kids on the Autistic Spectrum -Alisa Wolf

Teaching Asperger's Students Social Skills Through Acting: All Their World Is a Stage! - Amelia Davies
Troy Corley said…
John, I just finished reading "Look Me in the Eye." I have put off reading it fearing it would make me incredibly sad. I have a 19-year-old daughter with Asperger's and her early teen years were fraught with anguish. Your book, however, is an inspiring and enlightening one and I am so glad I read it!
Since you asked about resources for your next book, may I recommend a social support group for high-functioning teens and young adults on the Autism Spectrum? ASAPAsperger's Support for Adolescents Plus It's a support group I started 4 years ago and it will become a non-profit in 2011. Right now ASAP supports Aspies and others just north of Los Angeles, CA on the Ventura Coast but we hope to branch out.
Can't wait for "Be Different" to be released!
Kimberlina said…
Looking after Louis is one of my favourite children's books for peer awareness. It explains and describes ASD without using the label. Great artwork, too!
Kimberlina said…
My favourite book for explaining ASD to peers is "Looking after Louis." It describes characteristics of ASD in children (ex. echolalia) without using the label. Great artwork, too!
Unknown said…
Hello john. I was diagnosed with Asperger's 4 years ago...

I wish to recommend the book "Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality (from adolescence through adulthood)" by Isabelle Hènault. ISBN 1 84310 189 0. I have been reviewing this book for a Parent's Support group in my native New Zealand, I think this is an excellent guide to relationship and sex education, for parents to approach with their Asperger children and teenagers.
Unknown said…
Loved your book John!. I am currently a SDSU graduate student in a SPED credential program. SDSU has just received a grant for a Master's Degree in Autism. Here is more info about it!
Geniferous said…
I recommend a book called Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage, by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson.
Unknown said…
Hello John, my name is Jodi and my son Calvin will be eight years old on the 25th of febuary and was diagnosed at the age of fur years old as high-functionong autistic with Asperger's. I am a single mom raising three kids and their and am a domestic violince survivor. I am in community college for journalism. My son is getting barley any help and i am not getting any financel aid. We live with my in-laws and he is getting harder and harder and the state is saying,because he isn't a non-functioning autistic they can't help me at all. I am still married to his dad and with him being in prison i get no help that way. I have read your book that you signed to my son in colorado for my mother. It is like reading about him, even the intrests are the same. You are an insperation and an amazing person. Take care and thank you for listening.
Unknown said…
i have read the lot of the books ont hat topic but doesnot find the easy one which my child can understand can any one suggest me the good one