How do you know if you're on a good path?

How indeed?

I have 25 years invested in my business, Robison Service.  It's like a child to me.   Yet I can only be there part time, because of my other commitments.  I worry when they struggle, and blame myself.  I wish I was there more.  I wish I could run it more capably.

I began this writing career, but the book industry is changing just as the music industry did.   It's not clear whether I can derive much of my support in a world where so much content gets out for free.

I feel a great desire to help others growing up or living on the autism spectrum.  To that end I serve on boards and committees, where I try to push for beneficial change.  Do I succeed?  Only time will tell.

Then there are the groups I speak to.  They seem to appreciate what I do, and to the extent such engagements come along, they are great.  Speaking takes me all over the world and my efforts seem appreciated.  That much seems like a win win situation

What about the photography?  People often ask why I dont do a book of my photos.  But making a book is a vast undertaking, and photo books don't sell many copies as a rule.

Like most people, I have many choices for how I spend my time.  I want to do good, but I want to feel economic security too, and I don't anymore.  It's so hard to strike a balance, to know the best way  to proceed.

Can we ever know?


Forsythia said…
I wish I had a crystal ball. I don't know what to tell you. Besides, I'm from an older generation, where we could stay with the same employer for all our working years if we chose to. Somehow I think you'll make out all right. You're an authority on several levels and you have something useful to say both to those inside the world of autism and those outside.
Robert Paul said…
Follow your heart and the rest will take care of itself. This may not be an easy undertaking if all of your life's actions are ruled by thought only. You have accumulated enough material success to this point where you can afford to devote a significant portion of your remaining energies in this lifetime to the service of others. By listening to your innermost feelings and the following of your own heart, the "good path" will readily show itself. "Be brave and strong."
sharon Morris said…
As wonderful as it is to help others, you have no obligation to do it at the expense of your own desires John. You've done far more than most do in a life time. Choose those things that give you most pleasure, not what you feel the most obligated to. You've earnt that luxury.
Unknown said…
I disagree with Ms. Morris. You have been bestowed amazing gifts, many that were disguised as and besmirched as curses. It would be a shame to hoard them.

Then again, i struggle with the twin anchors of guilt and shame for squandering so many gifts....

Anonymous said…
*It's none of my business but..*

This is the internet, where everybody gets to have an uninformed opinion.

I vote keep the business, cut back on anything else that doesn't help you, help the autistic and go to grad school. Or med school. Imagine if we had a Doctor who was just like us? And takes no crap from the medical elite. Pretty cool, huh?

We already know you are an opportunity topology seeking missile. No matter what you do, you have an audience who "gets you" and a mission worth fighting for..

"Rangers lead the Way."
Anonymous said…
I can't speak for anybody else, but I know your books make my world a better place, so I'm gonna say you're on the right path even if you end up a Skid Row hobo.
Anonymous said…
I just found your blog and will read your books. Our son was diagnosed w Aspergers at age 30, almost 2 years ago. Your blog has helped me tremendously. As far as knowing whether you are on the right path, a book that was very meaningful to me (and very funny in parts) is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.