Neurodiversity and Me at William & Mary
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The College of William & Mary contains the oldest academic buildings in America |
I’ve been asked a number of questions about neurodiversity.
Here are some of them, for consideration and discussion.
There doesn't seem to
be a standard definition of neurodiversity; what exactly do you believe neurodiversity
to be?
I believe neurodiversity is the idea that neurological
differences like autism and ADHD are the result of normal, natural variation in
the human genome. This represents a new
and fundamentally different way of looking at conditions that were
traditionally pathologized; it’s a viewpoint that is not universally accepted
though it is increasingly supported by science.
That science suggests conditions like autism have a stable prevalence in
human society as far back as we can measure.
We are realizing that autism, ADHD, and other conditions emerge through
a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental interaction; they are
not exclusively the result of disease or injury.
We are not sick. We
are different.
Natural neurodiversity confers gifts, disabilities, or most
often, a combination of both. Some
people are mildly affected; others are touched with a heavy hand. Neurodiverse people may be highly intelligent,
intellectually disabled, or anything in between. They can be male or female, short or
tall. We make up perhaps 10% of the
human population, and we are everywhere.
Some of us - those at the upper end of the Asperger's spectrum, for example - are functional but eccentric, and gainfully employed. Others - some Fragile X people being an example - are very severely disabled and live in group homes. "Naturally occurring" does not mean gentle or easy; it can be anything at all. The point of "naturally occurring" is this: We are not freaks. We are not "injured and in need of healing." We are not artifacts of modern chemistry. We just are. We want to make our best lives, and move on without blame, shame, or recrimination.
Some of us - those at the upper end of the Asperger's spectrum, for example - are functional but eccentric, and gainfully employed. Others - some Fragile X people being an example - are very severely disabled and live in group homes. "Naturally occurring" does not mean gentle or easy; it can be anything at all. The point of "naturally occurring" is this: We are not freaks. We are not "injured and in need of healing." We are not artifacts of modern chemistry. We just are. We want to make our best lives, and move on without blame, shame, or recrimination.
Look around you – statistics alone tell us there is at least
one person with non-standard brain wiring in every decent-sized classroom. And neurodiversity isn’t just for
students. Faculty and staff are just as
likely to have different brains, especially in the sciences.
It’s important to point out that this is about accepting the
reality of how people are, not ignoring or dismissing real disability. Indeed, I think the two concepts go hand in
hand. Acceptance frees those of us who
are different to live our lives without shame, while working to remediate
disability has as its goal the best possible life quality. I am a strong supporter of therapies to help people who suffer from autism's heavier hand, or who are put in danger by the way they are impacted. I'm also a strong supporter of therapies for people who are less disabled but who still want help to succeed to their fullest. Students at W&M are most likely to fall into this second group.
My brother has really
severe autism. He can’t talk and can’t
take care of himself. Are neurodiversity
people like you opposed to curing him?
Not exactly. When you
say “can we find a cure” I think you are asking the wrong question. Let me draw an analogy. When a fellow has one leg, and he wants to
get around on his own, we don’t say, “He needs a cure.” We say, “He needs help remediating his
He might end up with a prosthesis, or a cane, but he remains
a guy with one leg. Those tools help
relieve his disability, which is most realistic help anyone could offer a
person in that situation. There might be
times he wishes he had another leg, but it’s not reality, and speculation about
a cure in that context is self-destructive and hurtful. If you are that person, spending your days wishing for a new leg won't get you anywhere. Spending the same time learning to walk with the prosthesis will get you mobile. That does not make a wish for a new leg wrong, but it's not productive in light of current reality, especially given the available alternatives.
Naturally occurring autism is much the same. It’s something we are born with and the older
we get, the more it becomes interwoven with the fabric of our minds. It’s not removable. That’s why I say “cure” is the wrong word to
No neurodiversity advocate in his right mind would oppose
developing tools to remediate disability from autism. I believe we have much to do, to develop
therapies to help people like your brother live their best and most independent
lives. I am a strong supporter of that
idea. I just don’t call it a cure.
What exactly will the
course you are teaching at William and Mary focus on?
Well, first of all, I should make clear that I am only one
of the people teaching the course. Josh
Burk, Cheryl Dickter, Janice Zeaman of the Psychology Department; Karin Wulf
from History; and Warrenetta Mann from the Counseling Center are all involved
in teaching or shaping this class and the college’s neurodiversity initiative.
That said, I am the only openly neurodiverse person involved
with the project (I have Asperger’s, a form of autism.) I say “openly” because some people who are
different aren’t aware of why that may be, and others who know prefer to say
nothing. I take pride in my differences
but for many, neurological difference is a source of frustration or shame.
That’s one of the things we’re going to talk about in the
course. How we feel about being
different, and how we feel about others who are (or are not) different. Can we help people feel better about
themselves and others? I hope so.
I did not learn about my own autism until I was forty years
old, and there are thousands of other middle age people who still have no idea
they are touched by autism, Asperger’s, PDD-NOS, ADHD, or other neurodiverse
conditions. Today most people are
diagnosed in childhood, but if you grew up 30+ years ago, we did not have the
knowledge of those conditions so it never happened.
We want to increase knowledge of neurological diversity just
as we have increased knowledge of other kinds of diversity. The difference is, neurological diversity is
usually invisible. But it’s important to
recognize because neurodiverse people at W&M are likely to have a mix of
great gifts alongside significant disabilities.
They may be our brightest stars and our most challenged students – all
at the same time. We want everyone to be their best and that
means recognizing and minimizing traits of disability while developing
To do that, we must first understand our differences and
then determine how best to proceed. We
hope this first course will open the door – provide an overview of difference,
if you will – and help people who are neurodiverse while also enlightening
people who want to work with or help the neurodiverse population.
Beyond teaching the
course, what do you hope to achieve at William and Mary?
College can be a scary and challenging place for
anyone. Those challenges can feel a
thousand times greater to some neurodiverse students. I’d like to help those students feel relaxed,
safe, and welcome here. I’d like to explore
what they may benefit from by way of accommodations, and how the college can
For example, some students have talked about “quiet space;”
rooms with soft lighting and low noise levels.
Other students may benefit from social skills courses. If past experience is a guide, accommodations
we develop for neurodiverse students may prove very attractive to a large part
of our student body. This neurodiversity
initiative might actually lead the way to making W&M a better place for
I’d like to see the college create a culture where people
are proud to be different, speak about difference, and our individual
uniqueness is honored and encouraged.
I hope William and Mary can take the lead in teaching people
who want to work with neurodiverse people in their adult careers – whether
those careers are in psychology, teaching, medicine, law, or government.
As a school for smart, high achieving people, it’s right up
our alley . . . In his 1944 doctoral dissertation, Hans Asperger wrote: “It
seems that for success in science or art a dash of autism is essential.” Today many people associate Asperger syndrome
– a form of autism – with eccentric genius.
Think Sheldon Cooper and The Big
Bang Theory. The smarter you are,
the more eccentric you are likely to be.
As one of the top colleges in America, William and Mary is full of
exceptionally smart people and I suspect a great many have Dr. Asperger’s “dash
of autism.” Let’s embrace it, and see
where it leads!
William and Mary has
very high admission standards. Many neurodiverse people have trouble graduating
high school, let alone getting into college.
How do you reconcile those things?
It’s true that people with developmental differences
struggle more in school, and have lower high school graduation rates. It’s also true that only the very best
students tend to make the grade for admission at the very best colleges. Here’s an interesting fact to ponder, in
light of those facts:
One way neurological differences manifest themselves is by
giving people bigger variations in their different kinds of intelligence
(mathematical, logical, emotional, etc.)
While the conversation often revolves around our weakest intelligences
(because that’s where we need help) it’s also true that we have our peaks. And if our peaks are higher than those of the
“average person” we can be significantly smarter in our areas of excellence.
That does not mean neurodiverse people are smarter as a group - we are not - but it does mean the smartest neurodiverse people will have peak intelligences (in our narrow bands of interest) at the very top of the human range. The price for that, of course, is the offsetting group at the very bottom of the functional intelligence range. They too are neurodiverse, but there intellectual limitations render them invisible much of the time.
That does not mean neurodiverse people are smarter as a group - we are not - but it does mean the smartest neurodiverse people will have peak intelligences (in our narrow bands of interest) at the very top of the human range. The price for that, of course, is the offsetting group at the very bottom of the functional intelligence range. They too are neurodiverse, but there intellectual limitations render them invisible much of the time.
If you were a college recruiter, looking for the smartest people in
this world, a significant percentage of them would be neurodiverse. Any college that wants a smarter student body
would do well to cultivate neurodiverse students.
Smart people with well rounded educations and a drive to
help others are a powerful force.
At the same time, William and Mary is beginning to recognize
that some students who might otherwise be perfect fits here have trouble
getting in because of their neurodiversity.
We are looking at how we might work with public schools in Virginia, and
the community college system, to afford future students a more equal chance for
admission. Every good college will face
this dilemma; William and Mary is at the forefront, charting a course for
others to follow.
What if my brother
was damaged by vaccine?
The idea that mercury in vaccines causes autism has been
discredited in many studies. Thiomerosal
(a mercury preservative) was removed from vaccine with no decrease in
prevalence rates. But does that mean
vaccines are 100% safe? Vaccines are
complex and their interaction in the body is not fully understood. While their public health benefits are
undeniable, there is still a possibility that some people are susceptible to
injury following their use.
Do some of those people develop symptoms that look like
autism? I don’t know, but concede the
possibility. I also recognize that
ingestion of other chemicals – lead, for example – can poison us and create
autism-like symptoms that may or may not be reversible.
The kind of autism I am touched by has been constant my whole life, and it has a consistent presentation in three generations of my family. I see other families where there is no history of autism, and a child who is developing normally regresses into a state of total disability in late toddlerhood. How does that happen? It's a big concern to me, and it makes me wonder how many different conditions we are dealing with under the ASD umbrella. Clearly, a family with a child who regressed would see things very differently from a family like mine.
Wherever your connection to the autism spectrum lies I urge you to respect other points of view even when they differ greatly from your own, as experiences differ too. That' to me is the heart of neurodiversity and acceptance.
I support research into environmental factors that may
injure us and leave us with symptoms of severe autism. To the extent that damage can be prevented or
fixed I support that too, but I recognize it’s a complex question. So far – despite some people’s belief to the
contrary – hard proven answers have eluded us.
Autism that’s a result of chemical poisoning is a very different
thing from the condition I grew up with; one that I shared with my late father
and now-adult son.
Injuries can also produce some symptoms of autism or other
neurodiverse conditions. While those
changes may not be reversible once they have happened we can work toward
preventing the injuries in the first place.
The first step is becoming aware. The recent focus on head injuries in
sports is a good example of a place where awareness is emerging.
I think we will see significant changes in college sports in
the next decade as a result of awareness.
We may see revolutionary changes in our diets thanks to growing
environmental awareness. Being born
different is one thing; crippling ourselves through preventable injury or
ingestion of chemicals is something else entirely. No one wants to accept that.
If autism is a natural variation, is it Humanity 2.0?
Attractive as that idea sounds to some, it's not what the science is showing us. Instead, science is suggesting that some level of autism has always existed in our population. It's a stable genetic variation. That does not mean it's better; just different. It suggests that autism serves some evolutionary purpose whose meaning may not be fully understood.
Some people with autism are uniquely skilled at solving certain problems. That makes us different, not better. We complement neurotypical humanity. We are probably not destined to replace it. It my opinion, being equal is OK. We don't have to be better.
Consider this: For every person like me - who lives independently with autism, there are several more my age who struggle to stay afloat. The hard truth is, most people with autism and other neurodiverse conditions are more disabled than gifted in modern society. It's great to embrace our gifts but we have a duty to also recognize how difference limits us as we work to relieve those burdens.
The points I make above were all supported by the Brugha study which examined 7,500 adult heads of household in England last year. You can find a summary and link in the IACC 2012 Strategic Plan for Autism.
One more thing - Remember that evolution has no heart. A trait that causes tremendous suffering may persist in our genome if it helps perpetrate the species in some way. Recognition that a trait is part of us does not mean we should passively accept any suffering it causes.
If autism is a natural variation, is it Humanity 2.0?
Attractive as that idea sounds to some, it's not what the science is showing us. Instead, science is suggesting that some level of autism has always existed in our population. It's a stable genetic variation. That does not mean it's better; just different. It suggests that autism serves some evolutionary purpose whose meaning may not be fully understood.
Some people with autism are uniquely skilled at solving certain problems. That makes us different, not better. We complement neurotypical humanity. We are probably not destined to replace it. It my opinion, being equal is OK. We don't have to be better.
Consider this: For every person like me - who lives independently with autism, there are several more my age who struggle to stay afloat. The hard truth is, most people with autism and other neurodiverse conditions are more disabled than gifted in modern society. It's great to embrace our gifts but we have a duty to also recognize how difference limits us as we work to relieve those burdens.
The points I make above were all supported by the Brugha study which examined 7,500 adult heads of household in England last year. You can find a summary and link in the IACC 2012 Strategic Plan for Autism.
One more thing - Remember that evolution has no heart. A trait that causes tremendous suffering may persist in our genome if it helps perpetrate the species in some way. Recognition that a trait is part of us does not mean we should passively accept any suffering it causes.
At what age were you
diagnosed with Asperger syndrome?
I was diagnosed in the late 1990s, when I was 40 years
old. I describe the experience in the
chapter “A Diagnosis at Forty,” in my book Look
Me in the Eye. Asperger syndrome was
not part of the lexicon of American mental health until the American Psychiatric
Association published DSM IV in 1994.
When I was a kid, teachers just assumed I was dumb or lazy. Today we hope they would know better, and
sometimes, they do.
The entire constellation of special needs we see today was
essentially unknown when I was a child.
Asperger’s, ADHD, dyslexia . . . those conditions and more have probably
been around forever but it’s just recently that we have begun to detect them in
children and offer help in place of criticism or discipline.
What more could
William and Mary, and colleges in general, do to promote neurodiversity?
I think that remains to be seen, and developed. With the announcement of the Neurodiversity
Initiative and the development of this first course we have started down a long
road; one with no defined endpoint.
As psychiatrists look back at the great minds of history
they see one example after another of neurodiversity. If many of the greatest thinkers of recorded
history were neurodiverse, would it not make sense to do all we can to encourage
the neurodiverse thinkers of tomorrow?
A neurodiverse college is a smarter college, and with all
the problems facing our world today, we need all the smarts we can get.
John Elder Robison is an autistic adult and advocate for people with neurological differences. He's the author of Look Me in the Eye, Be Different, Raising Cubby, and Switched On. He serves on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee of the US Dept of Health and Human Services and many other autism-related boards. He's co-founder of the TCS Auto Program (A school for teens with developmental challenges) and he’s the Neurodiversity Scholar in Residence at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia and a visiting professor of practice at Bay Path University in Longmeadow, Massachusetts.
The opinions expressed here are his own. There is no warranty expressed or implied. While reading this essay will give you food for thought, actually printing and eating it may make you sick.
BTW-if they choose your book they usually invite the author early in the semester to discuss the book-is this something that you'd consider?
I look forward to following your experience here and encourage you to share more as you go along. We all benefit from your wonderful ability to concisely relate what you have learned over the past few years. I know it's helpful to me, and I share your work widely.
You excluded people: "they are not part of our community", when in reality people who have a different way of processing things, through chemical side effects or genetics, are welcome to the movement if they identify as neurodivergent.
Then you go for the grading system. Aspies are "high functioning" and go to college, displaying quirkiness and with jobs prospects. The "low functioning" need understanding and more therapies. They live in group homes and "suffer" with disabilities that need to be fixed or made "better".
I am, according to your view, the latter. Amazingly, i only suffer when oppression is directed at me, disrespect and murder happen to my people. I am disabled and proud because I see disability as a societal construct. I don't need "therapies" to live fully. I need the majority to accommodate my needs because I am only very "affected" because the majority decided what is "normal" and acceptable.
You say:
"The hard truth is, most people with autism and other neurodiverse conditions are more disabled than gifted in modern society. It's great to embrace our gifts but we have a duty to also recognize how difference limits us as we work to relieve those burdens."
How do you know that? There is a lot of propaganda about "tragic" autistics, showing things that are not really autism (seizures, GI issues). But we don't really know how each autistic person's life really is.
A correction: a person is neurodivergent, not neurodiverse.
You are against a cure but you are also part of an organization that raises a lot of money for cures, and worst, for the elimination of autism through prenatal tests that would lead to abortions based on the possibility of an autistic child being born.
Or do you mean only people like me, non-speaking, very disabled?
You are absolutely right to point out that my "not part of our community" statement when referring to people who suffered brain injuries or chemical poisioning makes it sound like I feel they are not part of the neurodiverse community. That's not what I meant. I meant to separate people who were injured (who might reasonably hope for a cure of the injury) from people who were born a particular way (who are what we are)
I deleted the statement as its sound is not what I meant and I thank you for bringing that to my attention.
I'm not sure if I follow your comments on the "grading system." I make the point that the spectrum is broad and people have differing abilities. I don't say people "need to be made better;" I say we have a duty as a society to develop ways to remediate severe disability and make those tools available to anyone who wants them. What's wrong with that?
You question the basis for my suggestion that people with autism are more disabled than gifted. I base that statement on Brugha and a number of other studies that have looked at adults and screened to find those with autism. The portion of the population that scores in the ASD range also scores worse than the general population by most demographic measures. The ASD community has higher than NT rates of unemployment/institutionalization and lower rates of home ownership/wealth/income etc. I didn't point that out to be offensive or judgmental but rather as a problem to be solved.
OK on the "neurodivergent"
As to your final point, which I assume refers to Autism Speaks. I am not a "part" of Autism Speaks. I have nothing to do with their governance, policies, ads, etc. I am a member of their Science Board where I vote to support research to benefit our community. That's it.
To me, disability does not need to be remediate. I think it is a society's failure to include all, to give everyone equal opportunities. I am non speaking and I can't do anything without help. But I can think. Still, I ma seen as less because I am so far away from what the majority defined as "normal". Imagine if the majority were like me and speaking people were forced to shut up: they would need help with that. Then their "disability would also be a society's construct, define by a different majority. I agree we need more accommodations but unless we are harming others or ourselves, I don't see the need for remediate disabilities. I never heard of the study you mention, but underemployment has to do with rights not how disabled people are. If you vote for the science board at autism speaks you vote for the research of genetic tests that seek to prevent autistics like us from being born
As for why autistic people are underemployed or unemployed - I did not offer reasons why; I just presented the finding as a societal challenge, which it is.
Finally, you say: "If you vote for the science board at autism speaks you vote for the research of genetic tests that seek to prevent autistics like us from being born" That statement is totally wrong. At no time have I ever voted for such a thing, or been asked to do so.
And I agree with Amy: these disabling life conditions are not due to my autism; they are due to people not being willing to accommodate and accept me. I am a hard worker and very productive but no employer has wanted to keep me longer than a week or two because I make co-workers and clients uncomfortable with my "strangeness." If people accepted others who are different, then I would not have struggled so much with unemployment and poverty because people would recognize that my strangeness is not dangerous or harmful and I am a very good and conscientious worker.
You said you are part of the Science Board and that you vote to support research (to benefit our community). But the research that Autism Speaks is supporting is research to find a gene for Autism and develop a test that will allow for abortions, much like what happens to Down Syndrome. No benefits for the Autistic Community.I really don't know of any other research that they support. I do know that there is a lot of talk about funding research to cure the "ailments" that come with autism. But those are not autism,. My friend and many in her family, not autistics, have severe GI issues. Really severe. Cure those, I support that. Epilepsy is not autism and I wish it could be cured. So, if there is any research that Autism Speaks supports that really helps autistics, I think they should advertise. But not the things I mention because those are not autism.
Show me that research on their site, either past or present. It's not there.
You say you don't know what other research they support. The list is long, and published online.
As a typer, I will stop now. It is tiring to type. I will check back later or tomorrow. this is the kind of accommodation I need to fully participate.
He has great grades 3.8, and a 30 on his ACT. Our concern is exactly what you mentioned in your writing that schools like William and Mary ( his first choice) are looking for academic rigor first and foremost. When I asked our experienced high school college counselor, if my son should send William and 'Mary an impact statement about his disability the way Chapel Hill recommended on their website. His answer was no. He said. My son had a great transcript and would have a better chance getting in on his own merit than by disclosing his disability. My question is do you think that highly selective schools like William and Mary, at this point in life are ready yet to have an open minded fair selection process for kids that disclose their disabilities during the admissions process? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Responses to college application essays should reflect the most authentic representation of that student. For some students managing their disability is a huge part of who they are everyday. For others it may be virtually invisible for the most part. One of the most important factors in college success is fit. Fit involves being able to be who you really are, while choosing to change and grow in ways that are important for you. If a student feels that they either have to amplify or hide a part of themselves to go to a particular school, then I would encourage them to think about whether that school is the right fit for them. Be who you are and the right place for you will embrace all of who you are. Our admissions team reads a ton of applications, including some which reveal intensely personal struggles and challenges. Some get offers and some don't. I would like to believe that decision has more to do with the other things that student has to offer in addition to their disability status that makes all of the difference.
I think she makes a very good point. You need to think about what role ADHD plays in his life, and whether it bears mentioning.
Best wishes