Look Me in the Eye is spreading

Last week the UK rights for my book went to auction. We ended up with a tie between two excellent houses, which we resolved by giving the book to Ebury Press. It looks like the British Hardcover release of Look Me in the Eye will directly follow the American release on September 25. And Random House Australia should follow right after that.

It's just amazing, the speed with which this is spreading. I know it's spreading because I've signed up for this "Google Analytics" thing. It gives a little world map with pins showing the location of everyone coming to my web site, www.johnrobison.com and blog.

And now, suddenly, I've got little dots all over the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, and the far east.

I better get moving.

Ebury: http://www.eburypublishing.co.uk/
And Random House Australia: http://www.randomhouse.com.au/


Oh, you can expect those little pins to multiply again and again! We autism Moms are loud mouths you know! We spread the word like wildfire, "You must buy this book!" And if the autism Mom also happens to be a writer who wants to support another writer? Look out! Enjoy the success and thanks for sharing the process.

David L. McAfee said…
Hi John - I can't imagine how thrilled you must be. I would have a very hard time sitting still if I were in your place. I'll be watching for Look Me In The Eye at my local B&N.
ORION said…
Thanks for commenting on my blog!
I know I will be ordering your book from Amazon today!
(A trade of ARCs? I'll send you mine if you send me yours???)
email me on my blog and we'll talk!
ORION said…
I just ordered your book NOW on amazon!
MaNiC MoMMy™ said…
Found ya from Kim. You've got another fan!
Michelle O'Neil said…
Thank you for writing your book!

I look forward to reading it, and also your blog.

My heart soars for your success!


(Blogging buddy of Kim S. & mom of six year old Asperger's girl).