My first book appearance

. . . was tonight, at Piccolo's in Westfield, Massachusetts. I was asked to speak to the Get Together Club about my book. I spoke to about 30 business leaders from the Westfield area.

The member who invited me, John Davies, introduced me so well that he'd already covered half of what I planned to say before I even stood up. I had prepared some notes, but I discarded them when I got up, and made up my talk on the fly.

That's the problem when people know you . . . they go on and on, and what's left for me to say?

Plenty, as it turned out.

All those years of making up bedtime stories for Cubby paid off. I talked about my life, and Asperger's, and my desire to do something to benefit society. Then I read the Prologue from the book, and answered questions. The questions went on for almost an hour . . . how do you recognize Asperger's? How soon can it be diagnosed? How did it change my life? What will happen with my car business?

No one fell asleep. In fact, the audience actually applauded on two occasions. At different times, three of the members laughed, and I even saw one pick up an egg, heft it in his hand, and then put it back down. All in all, it was a big success, and I went home clean and well fed.

My next appearance will be at the Celebration of Celts, in Columbia county, New York, on the first weekend in May.


ORION said…
Good for you!
I am currently in New York meeting my agent and publisher for the first time. I read your post on AW and couldn't agree with you more--
BTW our books have some commonality if you notice...
John Robison said…
Our stories may indeed have something in common. I'll be interested to read yours when it comes out.

I met with Putnam before giving my own book to Crown. I was impressed by Ivan Held, the publisher, and Peternelle Van Arsdale, the editor on the project.

Best of luck with your book. You'll have a two-month head start on me!
Aprilynne Pike said…
Heft an egg, haha!

Hey! Found your comment on Pat's site and thought I'd mozey on over here for a look. How fun to be attending your first book event! It must seem so close to you . . . and yet so far. I'll be keeping an eye on you now.:)
