Planning the fall book tour

We’re finally starting to put together a tour for the paperback release of Look Me in the Eye, which goes on sale September 9. Most paperbacks are merely less expensive versions of the hardcover, but mine is actually changed and improved in addition to being price-engineered. Furthermore, thanks to TMS research, I myself am changed and improved. Now, you can see it all, live and in person. It should add up to an entertaining spectacle.

And actually, fuel costs being what they are, paperback tours are a bit of an oddity this year. Luckily, though, I thrive on oddity. And now it’s time to ask all of you for help. I’ve got a preliminary list of places, but I depend upon you to gather an audience.

The list of cities I’m visiting was initially determined by my publisher, who looks at your requests, nationwide sales trends and requests from booksellers. We (I say “we” because we share the paperback travel costs) then weigh the timing and travel issues, and come up with a firm schedule, which should happen within 2 weeks.

Here’s a partial but mostly complete list of cities.

Los Angeles, CA

San Francisco, CA

Seattle, WA

Portland, OR

Dayton, OH

Chicago, IL

Boulder, CO

Las Vegas, NV

Miami, FL

Burlington, VT – I’ll be at the Burlington Book Festival the second weekend of September.

Newburyport, MA

Boston, MA – I’m appearing at the Asperger Association conference on October 9, but I’ve also been invited to some bookstores and colleges later on

For the most part, these are all cities I did not reach on my original hardcover tour. If you live in any of these cities, and you’re interested in hooking me up with local schools, autism groups, Asperger groups, parent organizations, etc . . . I’d love to hear from you. All of these book tour appearances will be free of charge, and open to the public.

If you work in media in any of these cities, I’d love to hear from you too . . .

My publicist is Ava Kavyani,

My official mom/school liaison is Jan Anderson,

And I am still at

If you want me to appear just for you, someplace else, there’s a link to the folks at Lavin (my lecture agents) on the right sidebar. Lavin books my college appearances, and my engagements with boards of education, private schools, and professional societies. We still have a few open dates for them.

Once again, I hope to meet a bunch more of you bloggers in person. And with names like Anti Wife or Sex Scenes, who wouldn’t want to meet you in person? I’ll even go on a diet and exercise so I’ll be bright-eyed and alert for the occasion.

It’s good to be getting going again . . .


Anonymous said…
Neat! I'll try to make it to the Miami one. It would be good to see you in person. Meet you? Maybe not. ;)
Alex said…
I also would love attending your Miami appearance. Do you have any details about the time and venue?
John Robison said…
Alex and Kev, I will post dates on the right sidebar as soon as we confirm them. For the Miami date, I am actually waiting to add another stop in FL. Probably November
ORION said…
Hey John I'll be in Calif in Sept and Miami in October!
When are you coming to Honolulu for R&R?
Come hell or high water, I will see you in LA!

I appreciate the time you are sacrificing for aspergians and their loved ones.
Do you know when you'll be in Chicago? I'll be stateside in September and will come see you if the dates work out.

Good luck!
The Anti-Wife said…
WooHoo! You're coming to Seattle. Let me know when.
Polly Kahl said…
I think you're looking quite dapper (pix on my blog.) But no more NYC this time around? Bummer.
Unknown said…
I (like I said on myspace) hope to make it to the AANE conference but if I can't I will try to get to Newburyport though its kinda long drive with three short people...err kids :) Now if it were in metrowest Mass...
John Robison said…
Polly, I don't know about the NYC area yet . . . we will probably work something out down there.

And Anti_wife . . . how could I miss you? I'll be there!

Hinura . . . the AANE thing will be sort of different, with panels and workshops and a talk with my brother. The Newburyport thing will be quieter, and tamer
Unknown said…
I think (after speaking with my better half who also has AS) we will try to make Newburyport assuming work and our 3 demons...err adorable little boys cooperate :)
m said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Molly said…
I'll insist my ex come to the Dayton show (since he lives there anyhow.) If I would have known about Aspergers when we were married, perhaps he wouldn't be my ex LOL but it's taken my son to make me recognize what goes on with both of them. I told him about the book but he didn't say anything. I guess the email saying "you should read this" didn't actually request a response. I'm learning!
R said…
Crapola! You are not coming to the DC area.

It would be nice to meet you.
Lola said…
Canada is alive and well too.....
No one comes here on tours......
I will host...
Mari said…
I'm very excited to hear that you are coming to LA! I live eighteen miles north of Los Angeles in the Thousand Oaks area and my Barnes & Noble would LOVE to have you do a Book Signing. I contacted Michele Kantor, who is in charge of public appearances for this store, and she told me that your Publisher has to arrange the appearance with Barnes & Noble in NY. She was thrilled that you might be available though and would LOVE to have you and hopes that it can happen.

Thousand Oaks is one of the prettiest areas around LA and is at least 15 degrees cooler than The Valley at all times, which you may already know since you are not new to traveling. It might be very kewl to stay out here and drive in.

I can't wait to meet you. If you can't make it to TO, I will, of course, travel in to see you but I think you'd love this particular store. I don't want to name drop but you never know when Ray Bradbury might be stopping by to visit with his daughter. :-) Please come!

Mari Sloan
Holly Kennedy said…
Bummer! I don't see any Canadian dates on that list, John. If your publisher decides to add a few make sure you hit Calgary.
Stacy said…
Congrats on the new tour. Sadly enough, Michigan did not make your list.
OldHippie said…
Woo hoo - a Boulder visit! I'll stand in line for a ticket to hear you talk. Now to make a list of people to buy your paperback for.
ssas said…
Yea! You're coming to Boulder! I'll try to keep whatever date free... Be sure to drop by the Boulder Book Store to sign all their copies--the place is a treat.
no rj julia? i wanted to come so much last time but could not afford to miss school.
Ms. TK said…
I am SO coming to see you in SF - and I don't care if you're "improved" - I like you any way you are!
Daily said…
They should add Charlotte, NC to the list so's I can come and see you.
Doreen Orion said…
YAY! I get to see you in Boulder, again!
I will try to catch you in Chicago!! I caught your brother when he was here a couple months back. Would be very cool to meet you.
Jessica said…
Any chance of you coming to Canada, specifically Ontario? We would really love to see you here :)