A Day at the Circus

I have always loved the circus.  For the past fifteen years I've had the privilege of photographing the Hanneford Circus at the Big E Fair in West Springfield, MA.

The circus has the same name every year, but the cast of stars is ever changing.  

West Springfield's Big E is one of North America's leading fairs, and they attract the top talent in the business year after year.  Here are a few scenes from this year's production:


Carol Samorano said…
Hi John!

My name is Carolina Samorano, I work for Correio Braziliense, which is the major daily in Brasilia, Brazil.

Well, I'm working on a speicla article for our Sunday magazine about autism, probably our cover story for next week's issue. Talking to a famous brazilian psychiatrist, he mentioned your book, and I went look for it.

I think it would be great and really important for the article if you could tell me about your experience, the book and everything.

Do you have an email adress so we could talk better?

Please contact me at carolmsamorano@gmail.com

Thank you very very much.
