Some images from the berkshires

This is the gorge at Chesterfield. It almost looks like a painting in this photo:

Swirls on the water:

They say the house has been haunted since they dug up the bodies in '89

A waterfall in Montague:

Fast water:

A quiet spot on the upper river:

Fly fishing


la dolce diva said…
what amazing photos, john! thx for sharing...
Nightfall said…
Beautiful! You really have a way with photography.
Ythanya said…
Love these images - the painterly quality is beautiful. Are they HDR images?
Amanda said…
Looks like a beautiful part of the world, not so different to my highland hideaway!
Cheryl Kauffman said…
Looks like my dream vacation. Great photos!
The River Otter said…
Gorgeous. Just what I needed today- thank you so much.
Eric said…
Wow, now I'm homesick. As a boy I used to go camping at Chesterfield with the Boy Scouts, and with both parents coming from Montague, I remember that waterfall. I don't consider myself a Montagoonian though, I was a Greenfielder lol. Thanks for the pictures, you revived a few happy memories for me.
jess said…
incredible photos! that first one is breath taking
Darcey Mussey said…
wow, I'd love to hike those areas
and see all that up close, although, the photos are quite like being there.
Sharon said…
These are gorgeous! I especially love the swirls. It reminds me of a Van Gogh painting.