The School Bell Rings!

I’m pleased and proud to announce details of my first class at Elms College in Chicopee, Massachusetts. This course will be held on campus from 8:30-6 in one long day on Saturday March 20. Save the day!

My classes will be under the umbrella of the College’s graduate autism program. The course number is ASD671 for continuing ed or professional development credit, or ASD771 for grad students. Costs are $175 for continuing ed or $294 for graduate credit, plus a $20 registration fee.

Here’s the catalog description:

In this course, participants will explore the three essential components of Asperger’s syndrome – social impairment, speech affect, and physical issues. Participants will learn how minor brain differences lead to unique and even alien thought processes, and how they shape the lives of people with Asperger’s. Differences can be disabling or empowering; participants will get a sense of this scope and discuss how young people can be helped to see their gifts in the face of sometimes significant disability.

Participants will learn how individuals with Asperger’s evolve over time, seeing how Asperger’s presents in children, in adolescents, and in adults. Within each of these four components both lecture and discussion will take place. Embedded in the lecture and discussion will be concepts from Look Me in the Eye and Geeks Rule, two books written by John Robison. Participant will be required to read Look Me in the Eye prior to the course in order to be prepared to engage in productive discussion. An out of class assignment will be required.

Participants will receive both teaching guides for Look Me in the Eye as part of the course material. Recommended for speech pathologists, teachers and mental health and counseling professionals who deal with young people with Asperger’s. This is a standalone course that is also recommended for parents and family members seeking insight.

I know that quite a few of you have asked about online courses. We are working on an online version of this class right now, and we are also working on online and classroom courses for the use of Look Me in the Eye and its sequel in middle and high school classrooms.

The material in this class is based on my own study, my life experience as a grownup with Asperger’s, my experience parenting a now-grown Asperger kid, and my exposure at workshops and speaking engagements nationwide.

Elms College The online registration is not up yet but you can sign up by phone at 413 265-2314



jess said…
Professor Robison

Has a nice ring to it!
Wow, good for you! You'll be great. I recently read your book and thought it was excellent.

Good luck!
Amanda said…
Well I loved Look me in the eye so am sorry to miss your course. Good luck with presenting and I hope the class is receptive and engaging.
The White Man said…
This is true poetic justice--high school dropout authors college textbook, is invited to teach the course.

And who said life isn't fair.
Eric said…
^^^What he said. Woof^^^