Be Different is finally here

Be Different went on sale this Tuesday, and I'm on the road with a pretty grueling travel schedule to promote it. My first talk was at the Autism Society of America's Georgia conference, #ASAGA11 for those who tweet.
I've had a great reception there and from the Connecticut Society of Special Education Professionals, where I spoke Wednesday. Today, Thursday, I have the honor of speaking at the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC.
So where do I go from here?
Sunday morning (March 27) and afternoon I am at the ASPEN Asperger conference at the Hilton Woodbridge Inn, in Iselin, New Jersey. The website says the conference is sold out but call them . . perhaps you can get in anyway.
Sunday evening I am in Manhattan for a GRASP event at 7PM, at 339 West 24th St, the site of the regular Manhattan GRASP meeting. Register for that here
Monday morning I'll be doing some radio shows . . . listen for me later that week on Sirius Doctor radio, and also live Monday with Brian Lehrer on New York Public Radio
Monday evening I'll be at Barnes and Noble Tribeca, 7PM
Wednesday March 30 I'll be at Elms College Library in Chicopee, MA introducing my friend Kim Stagliano who will be talking about her new book, All I Can Handle, a memoir of raising three daughters with fairly severe autism.
Thursday March 31 I hope to see some of my Boston area friends at Barnes and Noble Framingham, MA, at 7PM.
Stay tuned for more dates, as I visit more of the East, then hit Denver/Boulder, then the West coast. I'll be working in a few Canadian stops and some autism conferences, like Autism One this May.
Meanwhile, if you've read Be Different, please spread the word. Blog it, review it, and tell your friends. It's word of mouth that makes books like this a success, and for that, I need all of you.
Best wishes
I look forward to buying your book for my son. I've talked about you and your first book. You, and many people like you who write of their experiences have set the stage for understanding: for myself, my son, and for our understanding of each other ;). May your travels be safe!