Psychologists and me

The American Psychological Association is having its annual convention this August in Boston. And I’ll be there, as a keynote speaker.

I hope to see some of my psychologist friends there. And if you are not a psychologist but you’re close, there’s still seven more months to change that situation. And if seven months isn’t enough, you’re out of luck with the APA but there are still other chances.

I’ve got a bunch of school appearances booked between now and August. I’ll be adding them to the blog schedule as they get confirmed.

Now, I know what some of you are worried about. You’re afraid that a whole roomful of professional shrinks may see what’s wrong with me and fix me. And if I’m fixed, I won’t be entertaining any more.

Well, don’t expect miracles. I doubt I’m fixable, at least not in the space of a few hours.

But if they invite me to the secret-month-long-psychologists-retreat, then you better worry.

And there's more . . .

Read about me here, in this month's Business West

And here's what the local newspaper had to say about the whole White Brook spectacle:


Anonymous said…
congrats on all the speaking engagements!

i love the article on your visit to the school.
Polly Kahl said…
It's great the way you're reaching so many diverse audiences. It's going to ripple out and trickle down in ways that will continue to impact for many years. Really glad you're speaking to the APA! You go big fella.
John Robison said…
Yes, who'd have thought? A freak like with with an august group like that.

John, at your Buttonwood Books Coffee with the Authors, I spoke with a woman who confided her fears about her son growing up with Asperger's. "It's such a burden," she said.

"Really?" I said. "I just don't see it that way. I tend to think of people with Asperger's as gifted."

She was shocked. She said her son told her the same thing.

And aren't you the perfect example. You excel in so many areas: mechanics, writing, public outreach. You don't need to be fixed, John, you're a fixer.

Amy MacKinnon
Polly Kahl said…
Believe me, they're not nearly as august as people think they are. May or june, absolute maximum.
Holly Kennedy said…
Great article on your visit to the school, John. Nice to see things haven't slowed down for you!

Are you booked for anything April 18, 19, or 20 out of town, or does it look like you and Martha will be around to meet Kim S. and I for dinner?
Sharon said…
I wouldn't want anyone to *cure* you John..just as I don't ever want my son cured. A lot of silly people need to have their perceptions and attitudes cured:-)
The problem I see is that a lot of schools don't value my son's gifts and don't celebrate his difference. They love his test scores though.
I wish you could visit my son's school ~sigh~
Dinner? Did someone mention dinner? I'll bring my fork! Is the room for the psychologists a circle - so they can go round and round and end up where they started?
Trish Ryan said…
Glad to know you won't be holding still long enough for them to "fix" you :)

Don't recline on any couches, and if anyone asks how you "FEEL" about your childhood, run!
Michelle O'Neil said…
Two great articles John!

Such wonderful work you are doing.
Kanani said…
"I doubt I’m fixable, at least not in the space of a few hours.

Ain't broke.
Don't fix.
Tyhitia Green said…
Wow. It's wonderful that you'll be speaking, but especially to the APA, whom I hope to be joining one day! :*)
Julie L. said…
Congrats on the Psych gig and on the most recent media coverage. The article in Business West is fantastic! Loved the story about the certified letter from Porsche Cars.
Chris Eldin said…
Amazing story about White Brook. At this age, positive change can last a lifetime. I'm glad the students took your message to heart.

Wow--the APA! Now *that* would be a conference to go to!!! Everyone trying to fix everyone. Like an endless loop....
Jax said…
thanks for the BusinessWest link, John- you're always a pleasure to interview!

Ari Ne'eman said…
Congratulations and keep up the good work. The medical community has a lot of work to do to get itself up to par in reference to the autism spectrum, including Asperger's. Even apart from their reprehensible "cure-oriented" philosophy, there are a myriad of other issues. We (being the Autistic Self Advocacy Network - frequently get requests for help from people whose psychiatrists won't recognize their Asperger's diagnoses or won't consider the possibility that an adult could qualify for a diagnosis, because their professional training only discussed the autism spectrum in relation to children. This is an issue that has to be addressed, as there is a larger and growing pool of people who could benefit from the services or at least legal protections a documented diagnosis could bring (and who would qualify for one), but cannot find a doctor who has any expertise in diagnosing Asperger's in adults. We hope to find a way of addressing this and your speech to the APA could be a powerful springboard with which to address issues like this. If you are so inclined, by the way, e-mail me. It is always good to connect with another person on the spectrum working on how to address the need for more effective advocacy and outreach on these issues.

Nothing about us, without us,
Ari Ne'eman