My summer-fall schedule is shaping up

I’ve received a number of queries about my upcoming schedule and appearances . . .

First of all, my actual blog (many of you read the Amazon feeds or other syndications) is at and there’s a schedule on the right sidebar. I also have a schedule on but the blog is updated first.

And an aside for you Amazon readers . . . I encourage you to join the conversation and leave comments, but please follow the "read more posts" link on my Amazon page to reach the actual blog. That way, everyone else sees your comments . . .

Ebury releases Look Me in the Eye in the British Isles week after next. The Times of London did a nice story last Sunday, and more stories are in the works. Those of you in the Old Country media can write Charlotte Cole, Commissioning Editor, Ebury Press at

Crown is releasing the paperback of Look Me in the Eye this summer to allow time for schools to integrate it into fall 2008 programming. I’ll be doing a bookstore tour to support the paperback in July and August. If you are a bookseller you can contact my publisher’s publicists for more details:
Christine Aronson, Crown (hardcover)
Annsley Rosner, Three Rivers (paperback)

I encourage booksellers to work with local book clubs, parent groups, schools and Asperger/autism societies to put together good events. I’ll be doing those through the summer, topping it all off with my appearance before the American Psychological Association in August.

The folks at The Lavin Agency are starting to book my fall speaking tour, and the slots are filling up fast. To my great amazement, I’m in considerable demand on several fronts. Business groups are inviting me to address them because my life story is funny and inspirational. Schools of all kinds are booking me because of Look Me in the Eye’s powerful messages of hope, tolerance, and understanding. And folks like the American Psychological Association and the Asperger’s Association are booking me to hear about my Aspergian mind.

Asperger’s and autism are topics of conversation everywhere these days, and groups of all kinds are booking me. With such diverse audiences I sometimes wonder if people see me as a serious intellectual, a freak, or a comedian. Maybe it’s a bit of each.

Here’s my page at The Lavin Agency


Samwick said…
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Anonymous said…
it's because you're a funny and articulate human being with a wonderful story to tell that has the added benefit of offering hope to some and insight to many.

John Robison said…
Samwick, I can always count on you to kick me into my place. The fact remains, there are a limited number of slots and they are filling. And we get a steady stream of requests for appearances. You may find it offensive or pretentious but others find the contact information useful.
Julie L. said…
I agree with Kyra. Keep up the excellent work. Best wishes--jml
Polly Kahl said…
Of course you have only yourself to thank for your wonderful success, John, but even so, I'd just like to say I'm SO proud of you! You kick ass big fella!
Samwick said…
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Unknown said…
That's great that your schedule is growing and growing. I'm still waiting (but not holding my breath) that you'll be near Knoxville TN soon.

We watched Running with Scissors movie the other day and thought it was pretty interesting... you aren't mentioned in so that was a bummer though... and I picked up your baby brother's book the other day to pass the time before your next book.

On my next Running Podcast episode, I am going to be talking about why I think that (for me) Marathon Running is the ideal athletic endeavor for me. I'm planning on mentioning your book as a reference ... don't expect sales to increase (I have like 12 listeners).
