Me in The Times, upcoming events, and other interesting stuff

A few weeks ago I talked to Tara Parker-Pope of the New York Times. She was writing a story about model Heather Kuzmich, and she quoted me in her article

Today, Tara wrote about me, Asperger's, and Look Me in the Eye.

The title, Seeing Yourself in Autism, is particularly significant to me. You see, a large part of my message is that we autistic folks are not so very different, deep down. We may act in ways the average person finds strange, but we have the same feelings, hopes, and dreams.

We come in all different levels of functionality, all colors, shapes and sizes, with all manner of gifts and defects. Just like the rest of the population.

I hope my book makes that clear. Her story's title tells me she got that message, and I hope all her readers do too.

Like millions and millions of neurotypical people everywhere, we autistic folks want more than anything to be accepted and appreciated for what we are. We don't want to be marginalized or belittled any longer. Help is great, provided it comes with acceptance. Just like anyone else.

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