Come see me in Washington DC and Boston

If you’re in the Washington DC area, come see me tomorrow. At 4 PM on Wednesday, January 23, I will be at Borders Books, 8518 Fenton Street, in Silver Spring, Maryland. You can call them at 301 585 0550

After that, don’t miss Billy the Kid, at AFI Silver Theater. It’s at 8633 Colesville Road, and the phone number is 301 495 6720. Director Jennifer Venditti and I will be doing a Q&A at 8:30 immediately after the film, and I’ll be signing books at 9:00 in the lobby.

On Thursday and Friday, January 24 and 25, Jennifer and I will be doing Q&A after the 7:00 film at Coolidge Corner Cinema in Brookline, Massachusetts.

And that’s not all!

I’ll be appearing at Houston’s Monarch School in March, and this Thursday, I’ll be doing a radio show with John Barone, Director of the Monarch Learning Center. Listen for me on Houston Public Radio after lunch. Call John at 713 933 0568 for more info.

And I’d like to extend a thank you to all the MetLife financial planners who welcomed me to your kickoff meeting in Albany today. You were a great audience. And for those of you who asked . . . The Asperger Association of New England is online at


Patry Francis said…
I have a doctor's appointment in Boston tomorrow, and I'm going to try to make it to the Coolidge theatre....We'll see how my energy holds up.

But if I don't get a chance to tell you in person, I want to thank you for reviewing The Liar's Diary. It's always good to meet someone else who understands the "poisonous snakes in the heating ducts."
Did you meet Snoopy? Ride in the blimp? The MetDesk is a really nice program helping families of kids with special needs. Dang, you're busy John!


Anonymous said…
Mr Robinson,

You're amazing, you really are. I read your book and your brother's book and thoroughly enjoyed both. I hope to meet you someday and since I live in Massachusetts, hopefully I'll have a chance to do that soon. Have you ever watched Boston Legal? There's a character "Jerry Espenson" who portrays a lawyer with Aspergers. His character is fun and appealing. I think you'd approve. Look forward to meeting you soon.

Daily said…
glad to see you are finally getting to the "southern" end of your tour.
Anonymous said…
Dear John,

The first part of your marvelous book, "Look Me in the Eye", read exactly like my own autobiography would have read, had I the talent that you do as a writer. I mean, so exactly that it is truly scary! And I thank you so much for writing and publishing it, as it has explained to me so much about my past that was always a puzzle up 'til now.

I think that your book should be required reading for anyone trying to help newly-diagnosed Aspergians of any age over about six or seven, and for those old-enough to read it for themselves. Had I had it available to me when I was in elementary school, my entire life would have turned out better and differently.

Best regards,

The Old Man, age 72
John Robison said…
Thanks for your comments, oldman. My life might well have been different, too, if I'd known about Asperger's in school.
John Robison said…
K, if you live in Massachusetts you should drive to Elms College for the Feb 24 screening of Billy The Kid. I'll be doing a Q&A after the movie.