Can we meet in Marlborough?

My brother and I will be speaking at the Asperger Association conference this Saturday, and I'll be doing a separate Q&A later in the day. I'll also be around all day to talk to people individually.

The event is at the Best Western Royal Plaza just north of the Mass Pike on 495.

Hope to meet you there!


jess saidā€¦
i'll be there with bells on!
Unknown saidā€¦
i wish i could go but my weekend is shot :( unless you might be free for coffee or what not

you can get a hold of me thru facebook or myspace if you might be free. Id feel silly if you were in my town and I didn't even try to say hi :)
~ ANNE saidā€¦
Hi John,

I'm persevering trying to get this hyperlinked in your links area for folks to easily access on your blog . You asked me to send it again via email but I don't see it. Click on
Sept. 24 and hear John's interview in Burlington, VT . John many many folks have written me on this one because of the varied subject matter. . Let me know when you're in Burlington again for Part II. I've been reading up on TMS the Harvard study you went through and think about what you said on kids that don't access language may not be getting input more than not knowing how to formulate words. Would love to continue that conversation. So give a ring (or an email) and we'll plan! Thanks again John. Glad the tour has been such an adventure! ~ ANNE Barbano
Unknown saidā€¦
Hmmmm... how very curious that there is a whole convention. Wait. There is a convention about everything now a days. But this is cool. I might try to save up for this for next year and some how find a race to run (Oh, SPECIAL INTEREST alert) in the area.

I think I diagnoses one of my coworker's boyfriend as having AS and it's kinda cool because she says something, I think of what I would do, or my perception and then tell her what to "expect" or how to approach it and IT'S WORKING! I can hardly believe it, but on the other end, I am very sad for what my wife had to go through with me... for 12 years before my DX.