Niagara Falls

I've made it home from this weekend's talk at the Disability Film Festival. Here's a link to my hosts, the Museum of DisAbility History New York State is developing a Disability Awareness Week in its schools. My talk followed a showing of Mozart and the Whale. The museum had programs running all weekend; several hundred people attended.

Buffalo itself is a somewhat depressing place, but nearby Niagara Falls is quite a spectacle. The fellow who hosted me at the museum took me to see the sights the following day. We had a really nice time. Jim Boles is president of People Inc, a western New York human services agency.

Here are some perspectives of Niagara Falls that you may not have seen . . .

This first shot shows the Niagara River racing toward American Falls. This shot shows the stream that feeds the Bridal Veil section, which is a small fraction of the total. It looks smaller in this photo because you're seeing a small part of the whole that's broken up by islands.

Here's that same stream as is goes over the edge. Doesn't look so insignificant anymore! The water is only 1-3 feet deep as it goes over the falls, but it's moving very fast.

This is the American Falls seen from the bottom. The base of the falls is filled with rubble that's fallen over the years.

This is as close as one can get to the Horseshoe Falls without actually going over. The Maid of the Mist can be seen a few hundred feet below.

Finally, we have the rainbow's end a few hundred feet downstream.

These pictures were taken with my Canon G9 pocket camera, which had a very rough time at the base of the falls where I was just inundated by sheets of water. I convert the pictures to 16 bit color in Photoshop and use a plug-in to expand the dynamic range in the colors. The actual scenes look fairly black and white because the water mist soaks up the color with its whiteness. But the colors you see are all there, all the time. They're just hidden.

There are no crowds there at this time of year. The air is cool and the water is cold.

In addition to Niagara Falls, we also visited the home of Buffalo Wings, ate Beef on Weck, and checked out the cars at the Pierce Arrow museum. I'll post more photos later.


Daily saidā€¦
those are gorgeous john, i've never been it's on my list.

typically, i have incredible urges to jump into places like this. like driving over bridges, jumping off mountains. i never do.

your photos are top notch.
Polly Kahl saidā€¦
We took our boys there last summer and had a great time, including being on one of those boats like the one at the bottom of the Falls in your fourth image. We certainly didn't get any pictures like yours though.
Jan Babson Anderson saidā€¦
Beautiful shots. you are masterful with the camera. I have this incredible urge to write...."slowly I turned. Step by step...." wish I could remember why that comes from the suggestion of Niagra Falls...
Anonymous saidā€¦
jess saidā€¦
the photos are amazing! i was there with the family a couple of years back and took some photos too. they look exactly like yours. except, well, not. thanks for sharing them!
pogosplace saidā€¦

I'm in awe at the ease with which you juggle your various commitments each week.

I know that a good team at the business keeps the day to day going but you still are involved as the show photos from last weekend - gorgeous by the way - show.

It seems that a typical week sees you taking on 3 or 4 different roles - owner, speaker, family member, traveler and you seem to do it with ease.

Is there an Aspergian help/hindrance to coping with all this? Is there a topic there for a future post?

Also a question on a different topic re: the Photoshop add-in you're using. Does the result approach what you mentioned about seeing music.


Alex saidā€¦
What is the name of the plug-in that you used? I took many pictures at the falls last year and I would love to try it on my photos.
R saidā€¦
Beautiful! I wish I could go!!!
Nicholette saidā€¦
Hello, I'm 15 and i go to branford high school in branford ct. I just recently read your book for an independent reading book and it was one of the most powerful books i've ever read. My little brother is 3 years old and he was diagnosed with autism, it may be aspergers. Also, my friend at school said she knows you and she also has aspergers. But to read the things in your book were so wonderful because my little brother does almost everything you described. I mean for 3 years old he is brilliant. He can count to 30in english, and 10 in spanish, yet he hadn't talked till he was 2 and a half. Also! The copy i took out of our library was actually signed by you, which was pretty cool! So once again thank you for writing your book and i wish you health and happiness!
TheresaC saidā€¦
Mr. Robison,

The pictures are beautiful...please post some from the Pierce Arrow museum, I love those, (as well as Duesenbergs), from the 30s. They were real works of art!
pboles saidā€¦
John, we really enjoyed your visit and Jim had a blast taking you about. Your photos of the falls really captured their elegance, power, and majesty....I would love to give Jim one or more for
Christmas, how do I go about that with you...paige boles...pboles
Holly Kennedy saidā€¦
John, I LOVE these snapshots!
Especially the first one. For some reason it really got me!!!
Fred Trask saidā€¦
Fantastic shots John, they make me long for New England in the fall.

I met my wife at UMASS/Amherst in the late 70's and although we don't recall your parents it was a fantastic experience and reading about the towns and times brings back a flood of memories.

I just stumbled upon you today as I got curious after reading "A Wolf at The Table" and I'm glad I found you.

I also just ordered 2 copies of "Look Me In The Eye" and can't wait to read one and give the other away.

I tip my hat to you in many ways.

That first shot of Niagra is incredible,the water looks like carved glass and the trees are alive with color! love it! What an incredible photographer you are1-Sandra