I've added some new events in the Boston area

I've added three Boston appearances to my schedule, and to my embarassment, one is this Tuesday and I forgot to post it till now . . .

Tuesday, October 7, Burlington, MA
Join me at the Burlington Barnes & Noble, 98 Middlesex Parkway at 7PM. I'll be speaking, answering questions, and signing books. 781-273-3871

Thursday, October 16, Boston, MA
I'll be at the Barnes & Noble at Boston University, 660 Beacon Street, at 7PM. Store phone number is 617 267 8484

Wed, Nov 5, Boston, MA
I'll be appearing at the Barnes & Noble, Northeastern University, from noon to 1PM. This is part of the Snell Library Lunch Times Series. Come to 360 Huntington Avenue in Boston. Call 617 373 2821 for more info.

Hope to see some of you at these events.

I had a great time at the AANE convention this week. Thanks to Dania Jekel and the AANE staff for having us out, and thanks to all of you who attended.


Unknown saidā€¦
I'm a huge fan of the book! You've led such an interesting life and it was wonderful to read about your experiences with KISS and working on cars... Of course, first thing to enter my mind while reading about your skills working with cars was that my buddy (Who is a Porsche mechanic) works for a dealer who has an Audi that no-one can fix. They can't even diagnose it. ... But just wanted to drop a line and thank you for a wonderful book!
Cynthia Bronco saidā€¦
I hope I didn't miss you in NJ! I'll have to pay better attention.
Crazy Momma saidā€¦
Ok, here's what I need. A Boston/Northern New England date on a weekend with at least a two weeks notice...

Am I asking too much :)