I Always Liked Trains Better

I got another foreign edition in the mail today, and I suddenly got an urge to gather some up and post them. From the top, from left to right, we have: Australian edition (bestseller), British hardcover, US paperback, US and Canada large print edition, Brazilian edition (bestseller), brand new Dutch edition - retitled I Always Liked Trains Better, original US and Canada hardcover, NYT bestseller hardcover in library binding (with a plastic sleeve that you can't see in the photo), and finally the abridged audiobook, which I narrated.

Not shown are the unabridged audio, and editions for Germany, Portugal, Japan, China, and other places that have yet to send me books.

And while we're uploading pictures . . . I call this next image Bridge to the Sky. It's an abandoned railway bridge crossing the Connecticut Rover at Montague, Massachusetts.

The brilliant color in these photos comes from a dynamic expansion add-in for Photoshop. All the colors you see are actually there in the original images. I don't change the colors; I just work to bring them out and make them glow.


She saidā€¦
I have a still life shot of yr Australian edition, including a crystal fruit bowl. I understood myself better after reading your book. Now I have to figure how to send you the shot, which I intended to do eventually.

jess saidā€¦
"All the colors you see are actually there in the original images. I don't change the colors; I just work to bring them out and make them glow."

Says it all, John, photographs aside.

Indeed you do.
Indeed you do.
... saidā€¦
"I always liked trains better".

That statement alone makes you my hero. You are awesome!!!
Paper on Steroids saidā€¦
Cheers to all the editions of your book. You are indeed an inspiration & endeared in our home forever.
Crazy Momma saidā€¦
My son (6) is on the autism spectrum, quite possibly Aspergers...and he has always like trains better too :)

I found your book after reading Running With Scissors. The chapter about you chasing trains SCREAMED at me: "this guy is on the spectrum". Sure enough :)

I just love you, your photos, your blog and your book, John. You totally speak to me and help me know what is possible for my little man.
Amanda Lara saidā€¦
It's really neat to see all the different covers. Just out of curiosity, do you know who the boy in the cover photo is? The photos of him are awesome.
Unknown saidā€¦
I love the photos of all the books.

My sons saw them and said "Mom that looks like the kid from Forrest Gump"
Anonymous saidā€¦
The train picture reminds me of this video:
Solex "Solex All Licketysplit", esp. at the 1min mark:

Real Video - Yahoo videos
Chris saidā€¦
I really enjoy your blog.
Polly Kahl saidā€¦
Ahhh, the secret behind those popping colors. Love that title "I Always Liked Trains Better" too. What a great way to describe the thinking of Aspergians.
Michelle O'Neil saidā€¦
Do you get any say in the foreign title change?

Interesting how the covers changed too. Look at that kid tipping in from the side! And someone with control issues needs to change the background to blue.

Michelle O'Neil saidā€¦
Another question. Any idea who the kid in the cover photo is? What a great shot.
John Robison saidā€¦
Michelle, I did not have any say in the title. It was part of the translation. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, American titles don't work in other countries. So the foreign publishers sometimes change them.

And I don't actually know who the kid on the cover is.
Unknown saidā€¦
I met you at the Boulder Bookstore signing and I would like to discuss writing my own book. I want to know how you chose an agent, publisher and editor.

My husband is different and I wanted to write what it is like from my side of the experience in a humorous fashion.
